Richard Greene Reading and Lecturing Tour (coordinated by Laura Forconi in Siena, and by Laura Failli in Viareggio and Forte dei Marmi)
Tuesday May 3, at 6 pm, Richard Greene (University of Toronto) in conversation with Carla Comellini (University of Bologna) and Fabrizio Ghilardi (University of Pisa) about his biography of Graham Greene Russian Roulette, Palermo, Sellerio, 2020, at Area Verde Camollia 85 – Polo Civile del Tribunale di Siena, Via Camollia 85, Siena.
The day before the conference, May 2, the author will be present at Area Verde Camollia to introduce the film based on Graham Greene’s novel, Our Man in Havana, at 8.30 pm.
Thursday May 5 at 12 pm, Richard Greene will give a talk to students of IIS Galilei - Artiglio, Viareggio on "How an English Author Became a Spy".
Thursday May 5 at 6 pm, Richard Greene will talk about "Graham Greene: Our Man in The World" at Villa Bertelli, Forte dei Marmi.
Antanas Sileika, Canadian Lithuanian writer and scholar, will talk about his book Buying on Time rendered by the group of CanaDiana translators into the Italian version Tempus Fugit, edited by Moira Mini and Arianna Giorgi - on May 15 at Museo Etrusco, Murlo, and on May 17 at Area Verde Camollia, 5’30 pm.
Diane Pacitti, English writer and CanaDiana member, will read from her book Between Two Countries translated by Laura Ferri into Tra due Paesi, Isernia, Cosmo Iannone, 2020 – at a date and place to be confirmed, after her participation in the AAIS Conference in Bologna (May 29 –June 1).